Highway 10 Provides Great Traffic Flow In/Out of Hawley

Start Your New Business Here!

Hawley has resources available to help you start that new business, and most are free! We'll even help you create that Business Plan for your first bank loan or to register with the State of Minnesota. 


First step? Download our Hawley Community Brochure (below). It has clickable links to guide you to the right pages--it even has a great 360-degree "drone's eye view" of Hawley!


You should also check our business section of the website--pages featuring our amenities, reasons businesses love Hawley, contact information for available lots, and more. 


We'd love to show you around--show you our available industrial and commercial locations, our low-cost office space, our amenities and neighborhoods. Hawley is business-friendly, high-traffic and a great place to live. 


To schedule or ask any question, reach out to our Small Business Expert, Lee Schwartz, at CloserInHawley@gmail.com