1. Introduction

 The City of Hawley strives to provide snow and ice control in a safe and cost-effective manner, keeping in mind public safety, budget, personnel, and environmental concerns.

Public safety depends upon the cooperative efforts of the city plowing snow and sanding streets, and the citizens taking extra precautions during snow events.

Snow and ice control operations are expensive and reasonable ice and snow control will be provided to allow for normal travel during the winter months and essential travel during storm events.    The city will use city employees, equipment, and/or private contractors to provide this service.

 2. When will City start snow or ice control operations?

 The Public Works Lead, with the assistance of other City Personnel and the local Police Department, constantly monitors the street conditions to determine the timing and amount of equipment and personnel necessary to clear the streets.  The criteria for that decision are:

  1. Snow accumulation of 3 inches or more;
  2. Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel;
  3. Icy conditions which seriously affect travel; and
  4. Time of snowfall in relationship to heavy use of streets.

 Snow and ice control operations are expensive and involve the use of limited personnel and equipment.  Consequently, city wide snowplowing operations will not generally be conducted for snowfall of less than three inches.

 When a major snow event or a blizzard is in progress, every effort will be made to keep the Primary Snow Emergency Route and Secondary Snow Route driving lanes open for emergency and essential traffic.


 3. How snow will be plowed

 Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize any traffic obstructions.  The center of the roadway will be plowed first.  The snow shall then be pushed from left to right.  The discharge shall go towards the boulevard area of the street.  Streets will be cleared to a width, as judged adequate by the Associate Public Works Supervisor, to provide adequate driving lanes and street parking.  In times of extreme snowfall, snow may be piled upon the boulevard and street edge, and streets will not always be completely cleared of snow from curb to curb.  If hazardous conditions exist from ice, sanding of intersections will be performed.

 4. Snow Removal

 Snow removal will occur in areas where there is no room on the boulevard for snow storage and in areas where accumulated piles of snow create a hazardous condition (i.e. 6th Street and intersections).  Snow removal operations will not commence until other snowplowing operations have been completed.  Snow removal operations may also be delayed depending on weather conditions, personnel and budget availability.  The snow will be removed and hauled to a snow storage area.  The snow storage area will be located so as to minimize environmental problems.


  1. Priorities for which streets will be plowed

 The City has classified city streets based on the street function, traffic volume, and importance to the welfare of the community.  Those streets classified as “Snow Emergency Routes” will be opened first.  These are routes that connect sections of the city and provide access for emergency fire, police, medical, and essential travel.

 The secondary snow routes are those streets providing access to schools and commercial businesses, and residential streets are cleared after secondary snow routes.

 The Municipal Airport is considered a high priority and shall be plowed as soon as possible following residential streets.

 The City does snow removal only for essential alleys, sidewalks, and pathways as listed and they are considered a medium priority. 

 Certain streets within the city are maintained by Clay County and fall under county maintenance policies.

 **Often-citywide snow removal following a storm will be done between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. and will commence on 1st Street and proceed west.  Snow is pushed curb to curb and equipment will follow the plow trucks to open and sand the intersections.   


  1.  Use of sand, salt and other chemicals

 The City will use sand, salt, and other chemicals when there are hazardous ice or slippery conditions. The City is concerned about the effect of such chemicals on the environment and will limit its use for that reason.

 The sanding truck shall be refilled with sand as soon as possible.


  1. Sidewalks – defined as a concrete walking area on City of Hawley right-of-way that is less than 5’ in width.

 The City will provide snow removal maintenance on designated sidewalks adjacent to City owned properties.  The list of those sidewalks is attached.  As there are a limited number of personnel available, the city will only maintain these sidewalks after the streets have been plowed.  Snow removal on the City Streets will take priority over all Sidewalks.

 Via City Code 7-1-5 the occupant or owner shall keep the sidewalk in front of their respective premises reasonably free and clear of snow and ice.


 7A. Pathways – defined as a concrete walking area on City of Hawley right-of-way that is more than 5’ in width.

   Some snow will be removed from designated Pathways to keep a center area open from large snow accumulation on normal working days (no holidays nor weekends). The list of those Pathways is attached.  As there are a limited number of personnel available, the city will use City equipment to blow/push snow from the center of the pathway during regular City business hours.  It is the responsibility of the occupant or owner to do the snow removal from the door and further clear the pathway area.  Snow removal on the City Streets will take priority over all Pathways.


7B. Safe Route to School (SRTS) Pathways – defined as a concrete walking area on City of Hawley right-of-way that is more than 5’ in width that has been designated a SRTS Pathway.

 Snow will be removed from designated SRTS pathways on normal school days (no holidays nor weekends).  The list of those SRTS Pathways is attached.  An effort will be made to have a single pass open on the pathway before school and for use after the normal school day. (Not the entire width of the pathway.)  As there are a limited number of personnel available, the city will clean up and widen these pathways during regular City business hours.  Snow removal on the City Streets will take priority over all SRTS Pathways.


     8.    Driveways

 One of the most frequent and most irritable problems in removal of snow from public streets is the snow deposited in driveways during plowing operations.  Snow being accumulated on the plow blade has no place to go but in the driveway.  The driver’s make every attempt to minimize the amount of snow deposited in driveways, but the amount can still be significant.  City personnel do not provide private property or driveway cleaning.  Possible exceptions are at the discretion of the Supervisor for emergency situations or if street widening necessitates removal.


     9.    Pushing Snow Across City Streets

 Because of safety concerns, it is unacceptable to push snow across any street or right-of-way in the City of Hawley.  Any snow removed from driveways or parking lots, needs to be stored on the owner’s property, not piled on the City right-of-way or adjacent properties without written consent of those property owners.


    10.    Work schedule for snowplow operators

Snowplow operators will be expected to work eight-hour shifts.  In severe         snow emergencies, operators sometimes have to work in excess of eight-hour shifts.  However, because of budget and safety concerns, no operator shall work more than a twelve-hour shift.  Operators will take a fifteen-minute break every two hours with a half-hour meal break after four hours.  After twelve consecutive hours, the operators will be replaced if additional qualified personnel are available.   Operators will be called out on a rotating basis so equal time can be allotted to each operator.   On call arrangements shall be made to assure that an operator is available on weekends during the winter months. Public Works will attempt to leave the streets in good winter driving condition by 5:00 P.M. daily.


         11.  Weather conditions

Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of city employees and equipment.  Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include; severe cold, significant winds and limited visibility.

 12.  Damage to Personal Properties

 Only those properties, which are installed properly and allowed by city ordinance to be adjacent to streets and damaged by actual contact with city equipment, will be considered for repair or replacement at city expense.  Damage to trees, shrubbery and other landscaping will not be considered for compensation.

 Damage to personal vehicles will be considered only if they are legally parked and only if physically contacted by equipment.

 13. Review of Policy

 Complaints regarding snow and ice control or damage shall be taken during normal working hours and handled by the Public Works Lead in accordance with the City’s complaint procedures.  The city will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy.  The Street Committee of the Hawley City Council will review this policy periodically.  Any review will consider comments or complaints received since the last review.





6th Street                                                        Highway 10 to North end

Joseph Street                                                1st Street to Sunset Blvd

Main Street                                                    1st Street to 15th Street

10th Street                                                      Hobart to Reno Street

Hobart Street                                                10th Street to 15th Street

Sunset Blvd                                                  Hartford Street to Joseph St

3rd Street                                                        North of Hwy 10 to Hobart St

2nd Street                                                       North of Hwy 10 to Hobart St

8th Street                                                        Hwy 10 to Joseph Street

4th Street                                                        Main Street to Peters Street

15th Street                                                      Hwy 10 to Meadow Lane



7TH Street                                                                   Main Street to Reno St

Valley Street                                                              8th Street to 6th Street

Burns Street                                                              CR #31 to 8th Street S

O’Donnell Street                                                      CR #31 to 8th Street S

8th Street S                                                                Burns St to O’Donnell St


BLOCK 29     East/West Alley And North ½ Of North/South Alley
BLOCK 35     East/West Alley And South ½ Of North/South Alley

BLOCK 34     East/West Alley



Community Building




6th Street (both sides)                                  Hartford St to Hwy 10 Frontage

Front Street                                                   6th Street to 5th Street

Main Street                                                    7th Street to 5th Street

5th Street                                                        Main Street to Reno Street




#1 SRTS on Joseph Street between 8th Street and Westgate Circle (North side)

#2 SRTS between the east side of Westgate Drive (starting 200’ north of Sunset

Blvd) and continuing east to the South Side of Reno Street between 10th

St & 9th St and ending on the east side of 9th Street.