Strong Churches Help Create Strong Communities
Hawley has been exemplary in doing Ecumenical ministries. Under the auspices of the Hawley churches, a food pantry was established and all area churches help support its outreach. Each year a community wide Thanksgiving Service is held, usually featuring lay people of the congregations. During the Lenten season, noon lunches and worship services are held, with each congregation being responsible for one service and lunch. Some youth activities are done together and area churches encourage a group called "Alathea" that provides programs at the local school.
Hawley Alliance Church recently completed new facilities. It invites people to "Try Us Out!". It is part of the "Christian and Missionary Alliance, an evangelical denomination with a major emphasis on telling our world about Jesus Christ." It is a well established church that is committed to being friendly, exciting and relevant. It has Sunday School for all ages. It is located at 404 Peters Street on the Northeast corner of the city.
Living Grace Lutheran Church began worshiping together as a faith community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) in 2011. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ. Through worship, study, and service, we practice our faith, grow our relationship with God and others, and experience God's grace in our lives. At Living Grace all are welcome to experience God, encounter community and engage the world. We currently worship at 1031 Main Street (HUMC). Our website address is: -
St. Andrew's Catholic Church celebrated its first Mass in 1978 with its building dedicated in 1980. It is a young community with energy, enthusiasm and great participation. The church is one that acknowledges one Lord, confesses one faith, is born of one baptism and forms only one body. This church is a place where all are welcomed to share and worship. Fr. Luis writes, "When we make others feel welcome, we make Christ feel welcome in our midst."
Hawley Lutheran Church is a Lutheran Church in America, established in 1898. Through its congregation of more than 1000 members, it seeks to reach into the community and through the community to the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It says: "We invite you to meet our members and discover how their lives have been enriched through this Christian community.
Hawley United Methodist Church is located at 1031 Main Street. The congregation's roots go back to 1881 when a Methodist missionary was sent to organize. Eventually a building was erected in 1927. In 1996 the members of the congregation built at its present site. The congregation is a "yoked" parish sharing a pastor with the United Church of Christ congregation in Glyndon. Members of the congregtion are known for their willingness to step out and meet challenges by faith. The women's organization has been instrumental in making the new site a reality. The ecumenical spirit of the congregation has been seen in its hosting of Lenten midweek worship services for the Hawley Community.
Hegland, Lysne and Solem, are three rural Lutheran congregations served by a pastor who lives in town. The office for these congregations is located at 423 6th St.
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