Jaycees Disc Golf Course & Map
DISC GOLF COURSE NOW OPEN IN RIVERBEND PARK - Start in the Riverbend Park area and play all 9 holes - challenging course with multiple river crossings and pine forest areas. Just opened in August 2012. Please park in Riverbend Park. A pdf version (printable) of the course is at the end of this page. The order for long tees (blue) would be: 1, 2, walk by the golf course, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for a total of 9 holes. The order for the short tees (red) would be: 1, 2, walk by the golf course, 3, 4, A, 5, 6, B, 7, 8, C, 9 for a total of 12 holes. Free course - bring your own discs
Map attached above.
Map attached above.