Westgate Park
Disc Golf Course Layout in Riverbend Park Hawley - South of Hwy 10 just East of the RR Underpass
Riverbend Park
Hawley Library
Parks & Recreation
The City of Hawley has numerous parks and open spaces.
- Westgate Park is located on the west side of the City, two blocks north of US Highway 10. Westgate Park is a handicap accessible facility that provides playground equipment, picnic shelters, a roller blading/biking/walking path, as well as a winter ice skating rink and warming house.
- Riverbend Park is located on the east side of the railroad tracks south of US Highway 10 adjacent to the Buffalo River. Riverbend Park offers playground equipment and two walking bridges over the Buffalo River. There are 6 Horshshoe Courts located at Riverbend Park, with League play on Monday nights from 7 - 8:30 pm, weather permitting, mid May through September.
- DISC GOLF COURSE NOW OPEN IN RIVERBEND PARK - Start in the Riverbend Park area and play all 9 holes - challenging course with multiple river crossings and pine forest areas. Just opened in August 2012. Please park in Riverbend Park. A pdf version (printable) of the course is at the end of this page. The order for long tees (blue) would be: 1, 2, walk by the golf course, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 for a total of 9 holes. The order for the short tees (red) would be: 1, 2, walk by the golf course, 3, 4, A, 5, 6, B, 7, 8, C, 9 for a total of 12 holes. Free course - bring your own discs.
- Community Kids Park is located just east of the Community Center. It offers playground equipment and a basketball area.
- Brekken Park is our newest park and is located north of the intersection of 1st & Reno Street. It offers playground equipment and a basketball area.
Other Recreational Facilities
- The Hawley Golf & Country Club rests along the edge of the Buffalo River. The 18-hole, par 71 course is nestled amongst the tree-laden rolling hills. The course also exhibits a man-made lake and a stone bath house which were constructed by the WPA in the 1930's.
- The baseball diamond and softball complex offer further availability of public recreational facilities. These facilities are located on the south side of US Highway 10 east of the Buffalo River and the Hawley Golf and Country Club. The softball complex has four diamonds.
- The Hawley Rodeo Grounds are located near the softball complex and features two rodeo performances each year during Hawley Rodeo Fest. The Rodeo Grounds are busy with activity all summer with local roping and riding events.
- The Hawley School District Swimming Pool is a valuable amenity to the community which citizens have come to expect and enjoy. It is located between the Elementary & High Schools and offers swimming lessons during the summer months.
- The Hawley Community Center was completed in April of 1942. It is used to hold sporting activities, dances and social events. Church groups and civic organizations utilize this facility as well. The community center is also a designated storm shelter.
- The Hawley Public Library was dedicated in November of 1976. It is a part of the Lake Agassiz Regional Library System, which has greatly increased the resources available. The facilities were remodeled in 2011.